Modah Ani for the Voiceless

For the beginning of  quarantine, I was sick. It was physically and emotionally challenging to attend now-virtual class as usual, do my various jobs as usual, take care of my one and a half year old full time (not as usual), and all the while wondering what I am sick with, and whether it has unknown affects on the 16 week old baby-to-be in my womb.

One morning I woke up and even though I could barely speak, this tune came out of me. So I composed a new Modah Ani for the Voiceless, for the solitude of quarantine, for those of us struggling to insert a bit of hoda’ah, gratitude, into a difficult situation. Because we know that naming the blessings that we have in our life, while it may not change what is around us, brings light and hope into our inner world. Thank goodness I am feeling much better now, for which I am truly grateful!

Join me in beginning each day with Modah/Modeh Ani, to whatever tune you know. And if this tune moves you, save the video or download the soundcloud track and sing along with me in the mornings. (…/modah-ani-for-the-voiceless)

Together we can give thanks to all the little pieces that make life worth loving.


Blessing for a New Year


Neighborhood Nature