Hello friends! Welcome to my spanking brand new website, arielwolpe.com. I am excited to have things to share with you and a digital place to share it.
What are these new things that have inspired me to launch a site? Well, there are a few. First are my new cell phone covers, which I began hand painted this year. I started out just making one for myself, and not very well either - I only gave it a thin coat of fixing spray, and carried it everywhere as acrylic paint chips littered my bag. Despite this, it got a lot of attention every time I answered a call in front of a group, and I began receiving requests. I have since perfected the art of creation, which requires multiple layers of coating to protect the paint. It takes a bit of time but the results, I find, are really beautiful.
My other exciting project is a new album, for which I am currently recording demos. This album will be original music, some acoustic, some with a full band, and will include various themes that have emerged within the last few years of my life. I will also be including some niggunim (wordless melodies) in the album, either interspersed or as a corresponding track list. I am excited about how this album dances in and out of my tradition, stepping into biblical hebrew phrases in one track and twirling with a west coast love story in the next.
As the holidays are approaching, I hope to get my cell phone covers into some gift boxes for your mother/father/sibling/parter or your own self! Please share my page with your family and friends.